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AMACS -  Automatic Monitoring And Control System

SCADA  - Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

HMI  -  Human Machine Interface

EMS  -  Energy Management System

OPC  -  Openness, Productivity and Connectivity

PLC  -  Programmable Logic Controller

RTU  -  Remote Terminal Units



Common formulae:


kW = kVA * PF 


Single Phase

kVA = ( V * I ) / 1000

kW = ( V * I * PF ) / 1000

HP = ( V * I *PF * %efficency ) / 746



Three Phase

kVA = ( V * I * 1.73 ) / 1000

kW = ( V * I * PF * 1.73 ) / 1000

HP = ( V * I * PF * %efficency * 1.73 ) / 746



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Webmaster:-  Clive Merrick